KUNMING - The construction of the Baihetan hydropower station in southwest China is proceeding smoothly, with the main part of the spillway tunnel project completed on Saturday.
Over the past six years, more than 120 million people in northern China have directly benefited from a massive water-diversion project that transfers water from the Yangtze River, authorities said on Saturday.
When you work with a marine engine every day, the most important task is doing everything you can to keep all its components up and running. One of these main components is the aftercooler. This device can manage air temperature on diesel engines for boats.
A research center was opened in Yunyang district of Shiyan, Hubei province, on Friday to promote the study of human development.
It’s easy to hear promises of marine diesel engines lasting 8,000 hours and believe they will hold up against any environment or weather any storm. Yet, like with any engine, longevity depends heavily on how well you maintain the equipment. You can take care of all an engine’s standard needs and still lose it in a few hundred hours thanks to one simple factor — water corrosion.
When it comes to marine diesel engine oil, there are plenty of myths about which types of oil are best for which engine. Here are some of the most common marine engine oil myths and the truth behind them.
Engine performance problems can be a major headache. One common marine diesel engine problem is low power. Low power may or may not be accompanied by dark smoke, and could be caused by a number of issues. In fact, the issue might not even be the engine.
In the early days, oil was delivered to an engine’s components much differently than it is today. The first engines were lubricated with drip feed systems, which dropped oil into all its moving components, and on ships, there were workers known as “oilers” who filled up pots of oil above the moving parts.
Proper maintenance of your diesel engine is essential to making sure it functions properly. One important feature is the fuel injector. Fuel injectors keep track of the amount of fuel entering the engine. Without the right level of care, fuel injectors can easily wear out or fail completely, causing your engine not to start or the exhaust to smoke. While it’s not always easy to tell if the injectors are the problem, there are some symptoms to look out for and ways to check in order to determine what the issue may be.
Your truck’s fuel pump moves fuel to a cylinder to generate energy in the engine. When this part breaks or begins to fail, it can cause problems with running or starting your truck. Learn how to identify a failing diesel fuel pump so you can replace it.